Saturday, July 28, 2012

Tutorial - Integrate Sencha Touch with PhoneGap for Android

Setup Android Project with PhoneGap
  1. create a folder named "android" in your sencha touch project
  2. use the official tutorial from cordova to create a new android project with eclipse in the newly created folder and add the phonegap configuration to the project -> Setup Android Project with PhoneGap 

Integrate PhoneGap with Sencha Touch 
  1. go to the sencha touch application directory
  2. open the app.json file and change "logger":"no" to "logger":false
  3. add phonegap script to the sencha touch application
    1. copy the cordova-a.b.c.js script to the root directory of your sencha application
    2. open the app.json file and add the script dependency to the "js" key

         "js": [  
             "path": "sdk/sencha-touch.js"  
             "path": "cordova-2.0.0.js"  
             "path": "app.js",  
             "bundle": true, 
             "update": "delta"  

Run the Project as a Native Application
  1. go to the sencha application folder
  2. open a terminal and build the sencha application with the following command
  3.  sencha app build testing -d android/assets/www  
  4. open eclipse - refresh the project and launch it on an emulator or an real device
  5. your sencha touch application is now running as a native application and with all phonegap features available, good job !


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